Craig D. Higgs - 2020 DLM Inductee


Please join us in honoring Craig D. Higgs by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Foundation. Your contribution will be used to ensure the work to which Mr. Higgs was committed to during his distinguished career continues into the future. In 2019, SDCBF awarded $401,000 to 21 non-profit organizations that provide access to justice for people and communities that are most impacted by poverty, abuse and discrimination throughout San Diego County. 


The Distinguished Lawyer Memorial gives special and permanent recognition to deceased lawyers and judges of the San Diego County Bar who demonstrated superior legal skills and high ethical standards throughout careers of significant length.

Recognition in the Memorial is permanent, and plaques are located in the Hall of Justice.

To make a donation on behalf of Craig D. Higgs, 2020 DLM Honoree please complete the form below.

To make a donation on behalf of another 2020 DLM Honoree click on their name below:

- Andrew S. Albert -

- Judge David Bartick -

- Roberta R. Sistos - 

- Michael T. Thorsnes - 

- Judge Leollia "Leo" Valentine Jr.

- Donald R. Worley -

To make a donation on behalf of a past honoree ​or to make a general donation to the Foundation Click Here 

The San Diego County Bar Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The tax identification number is 95-3366651.

Optional - Please check this box to increase your donation by 3% to help us offset the cost of credit card processing fees. Your additional contribution will provide more funding to the legal organizations we serve. Thank You!
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You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
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