Please join us in honoring the 2018 Distinguished Lawyer Memorial inductees by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Fund that benefits the Foundation and the law related organizations it serves. Your donations will help honor Hon. Norbert Ehrenfreund by continuing to serve the disadvantaged in our local community. In 2017, the foundation awarded over $395,000 to local organizations.
The Distinguished Lawyer Memorial Fund gives special and permanent recognition to deceased lawyers and judges of the San Diego County Bar who demonstrated superior legal skills and high ethical standards throughout careers of significant length.
Recognition in the Memorial is permanent, and plaques are located in the Hall of Justice.
To make a donation on behalf of Hon. Norbert Ehrenfreund, 2018 DLM Honoree please complete the form below.
To make a donation on behalf of another 2018 DLM Honoree click on their name below:
- Robert W. Bell, Jr. -
- James A. Hennenhoefer -
- Donald "Pat" Newell -
- Hon. Elizabeth A. Riggs -
To make a donation on behalf of a past inductee
or to make a general donation to the Foundation Click Here